Florence Onus, an Aboriginal woman, is the fourth generation of her family, she shares her experience to explain how the
They were stolen from their family ! Who is part of the stolen generation ? From the 1910’s to the
Between 1910 and 1970, the Australian police services were forcibly removing Aborigine children. It was allowed by the government. They
The Stolen Generation took place in Australia, between the 1860’s and the 1970’s, and aimed at removing the aboriginal children
Would you like to learn more about the Stolen Generations? This is the story that Florence Onus and her family
https://0332722e.esidoc.fr/site/journal-du-lycee-pape-clement/la-minute-coup-de-coeur/la-minute-scientifique Voici ci-joint le premier épisode du podcast du Pap’ : la minute coup de cœur ! Nous aborderons divers
Comme chaque année, s’est déroulé à Gradignan début octobre le traditionnel salon du livre de poche, Lire en Poche, cette
Cette année, s’offrait la possibilité de participer au concours de nouvelles ‘Premiers Feux’ organisé par la ville de Pessac. Aujourd’hui,
Le club lecture se réunit tous les mardis midi au CDI. Durant l’année scolaire 2021-2022, nous avons participé au club